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The purchase of Tours Events services is governed by the following texts. We invite you to read them carefully.

General and special conditions of sale

Decree no. 94-490 of 15 June 1994 taken in application of Article 31 of Law no. 92-645 of 13 July 1992 laying down the conditions for the exercise of activities relating to the organisation and sale of travel or holidays (J.O. of 17 June) - Extracts

These articles 95 to 103 constitute the general terms and conditions of sale of Tours Events, a travel agency referenced and authorized by its administrative authorization to practice issued by Atout France bearing the professional license number IM041100006.


(excerpt from Decree 94-490 of 15/06/1994) : (...)

Art. 95 - Subject to the exclusions provided for in the second paragraph (a and b) of article 14 of the aforementioned law of July 13, 1992, any offer and any sale of travel services or stays give rise to the delivery of appropriate documents that meet the rules defined by the present title.

In the case of the sale of air tickets or tickets for scheduled air travel not accompanied by services related to such travel, the seller shall issue to the purchaser one or more tickets for the entire journey issued by the carrier or under its responsibility. In the case of transportation on demand, the name and address of the carrier, on whose behalf the tickets are issued, must be mentioned.

The separate invoicing of the various elements of the same tourist package does not exempt the seller from his obligations under this title.

Art. 96 - Prior to the conclusion of the contract and on the basis of a written document, bearing his company name, his address and the indication of his administrative authorization to practice, the seller must communicate to the consumer information on the prices, dates and other elements constituting the services provided on the occasion of the trip or stay, such as

  1. The destination, means, characteristics and categories of transport used;
  2. The type of accommodation, its location, its level of comfort and its main characteristics, its approval and its tourist classification in accordance with the regulations or customs of the host country;
  3. The meals provided;
  4. The description of the itinerary when it is a tour;
  5. The administrative and sanitary formalities to be completed in the event of border crossings, as well as the time required to complete them;
  6. The visits, excursions and other services included in the package or possibly available at an additional cost;
  7. The minimum or maximum size of the group allowing the realization of the trip or the stay as well as, if the realization of the trip or the stay is subordinated to a minimum number of participants, the deadline of information of the consumer in the event of cancellation of the trip or the stay; this date cannot be fixed at less than twenty one days before the departure;
  8. The amount or percentage of the price to be paid as a deposit at the conclusion of the contract as well as the payment schedule for the balance;
  9. The terms of price revision as provided for in the contract in application of article 100 of this decree;
  10. Cancellation conditions of a contractual nature;
  11. The cancellation conditions defined in articles 101, 102 and 103 below;
  12. Details concerning the risks covered and the amount of guarantees subscribed to under the insurance contract covering the consequences of the professional civil liability of travel agencies and the civil liability of associations and non-profit organizations and local tourism organizations;
  13. Information concerning the optional subscription of an insurance contract covering the consequences of certain cases of cancellation or of an assistance contract covering certain specific risks, in particular the costs of repatriation in the event of accident or illness.


Art. 97 - The prior information given to the consumer is binding on the seller, unless the seller has expressly reserved the right to modify certain elements of it. In this case, the seller must clearly indicate the extent to which this modification may occur and on which elements. In any event, the changes to the prior information must be communicated to the consumer in writing before the contract is concluded.

Art. 98 - The contract concluded between the seller and the buyer must be in writing, drawn up in duplicate, one of which is given to the buyer, and signed by both parties. It must include the following clauses:

  1. The name and address of the seller, his guarantor and his insurer as well as the name and address of the organizer;
  2. The destination or destinations of the trip and, in the case of a split trip, the different periods and their dates;
  3. The means, characteristics and categories of transportation used, the dates, times and places of departure and return;
  4. The type of accommodation, its location, its level of comfort and its main characteristics, its tourist classification under the regulations or customs of the host country;
  5. The number of meals provided;
  6. The itinerary when it is a tour;
  7. The visits, excursions or other services included in the total price of the trip or stay;
  8. The total price of the services invoiced as well as the indication of any possible revision of this invoicing by virtue of the provisions of article 100 below;
  9. The indication, where applicable, of fees or taxes relating to certain services such as landing, disembarkation or embarkation taxes in ports and airports, and tourist taxes when they are not included in the price of the service(s) provided;
  10. The schedule and terms of payment of the price; in any case, the last payment made by the buyer may not be less than 30% of the price of the trip or stay and must be made when the documents allowing the trip or stay to be carried out are handed over;
  11. The special conditions requested by the buyer and accepted by the seller;
  12. The methods by which the purchaser may submit a complaint to the vendor for non-performance or poor performance of the contract, a complaint which must be sent as soon as possible by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the vendor, and notified in writing, if necessary, to the travel organizer and the service provider concerned;
  13. The deadline for informing the purchaser in the event of cancellation of the trip or stay by the vendor in the event that the trip or stay is linked to a minimum number of participants, in accordance with the provisions of 7° of article 96 above;
  14. Cancellation conditions of a contractual nature;
  15. Cancellation conditions of a contractual nature;
  16. Details of the risks covered and the amount of the guarantees under the insurance contract covering the consequences of the seller's professional civil liability;
  17. Information concerning the insurance contract covering the consequences of certain cases of cancellation taken out by the buyer (policy number and name of the insurer), as well as those concerning the assistance contract covering certain specific risks, in particular the cost of repatriation in the event of accident or illness; in this case, the seller must provide the buyer with a document specifying at least the risks covered and the risks excluded;
  18. The deadline for informing the seller in the event of transfer of the contract by the buyer;
  19. The commitment to provide the buyer, in writing, at least ten days prior to the scheduled departure date, with the following information:
    a) The name, address and telephone number of the seller's local representative or, failing that, the names, addresses and telephone numbers of local organizations likely to help the consumer in the event of difficulty, or, failing that, the telephone number for urgent contact with the seller;
    b) For trips and stays of minors abroad, a telephone number and an address allowing direct contact with the child or the person in charge of the stay.

Art. 99 - The purchaser may assign his contract to a transferee who meets the same conditions as he does for the trip or stay, as long as this contract has not produced any effect.

Unless otherwise stipulated, the assignor must inform the seller of his decision by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt at the latest seven days before the beginning of the trip. In the case of a cruise, this period is extended to fifteen days. This transfer is not subject, under any circumstances, to prior authorization by the seller.

Art. 100 - When the contract includes an express possibility of price revision, within the limits provided for in Article 19 of the aforementioned Law of 13 July 1992, it must mention the precise methods of calculation, both upwards and downwards, of price variations, and in particular the amount of transport costs and related taxes, the currency or currencies which may have an impact on the price of the trip or stay, the part of the price to which the variation applies, the rate of the currency or currencies used as a reference when establishing the price appearing in the contract.

Art. 101 - When, before the buyer's departure, the seller is forced to make a change to one of the essential elements of the contract, such as a significant increase in price, the buyer may, without prejudice to any recourse for compensation for damages that may have been suffered, and after having been informed by the seller by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt :

  • > either cancel the contract and obtain an immediate refund of the sums paid without penalty;
  • > or accept the modification or substitute trip proposed by the seller; an amendment to the contract specifying the modifications made is then signed by the parties; any reduction in price is deducted from any sums still owed by the buyer and, if the payment already made by the latter exceeds the price of the modified service, the excess amount must be returned to him before the date of his departure.


Art. 102 - In the case provided for in Article 21 of the aforementioned Law of July 13, 1992, when, before the buyer's departure, the seller cancels the trip or stay, he must inform the buyer by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt; the buyer, without prejudice to any recourse for compensation for damages that may have been suffered, obtains from the seller the immediate replacement of the sums paid without penalty; the buyer receives, in this case, an indemnity at least equal to the penalty he would have incurred if the cancellation had occurred on his own initiative on this date.

The provisions of the present article do not in any way prevent the conclusion of an amicable agreement for the purpose of acceptance by the buyer of a substitute traveler or stay proposed by the seller.

Art. 103 - When, after the buyer's departure, the seller is unable to provide a major part of the services provided for in the contract, representing a significant percentage of the price paid by the buyer, the seller must immediately take the following measures, without prejudice to any recourse for compensation for damage suffered. – Lorsque, après le départ de l’acheteur, le vendeur se trouve dans l’impossibilité de fournir une part prépondérante des services prévus au contrat représentant un pourcentage non négligeable du prix honoré par l’acheteur, le vendeur doit immédiatement prendre les dispositions suivantes sans préjuger des recours en réparation pour dommages éventuellement subis.

  • > either propose services to replace the services provided for, possibly bearing any additional cost and, if the services accepted by the buyer are of inferior quality, the seller must reimburse the buyer, upon his return, for the price difference;
  • > or, if the seller cannot propose any replacement service or if these are refused by the buyer for valid reasons, to provide the buyer, at no extra cost, with transport tickets to ensure his return under conditions that can be considered equivalent to the place of departure or to another place accepted by both parties.


Art. 104 - The provisions of articles 95 to 103 of the present decree must appear on the brochures and travel contracts offered by the persons referred to in article 1 of the aforementioned law of 13 July 1992. (...)

Special conditions of sale

These special conditions of sale have been set by TOURS EVENTS taking into account the specific nature of our trips. Any purchase of a trip, a stay, a place of spectacle and in particular during sporting events implies their acceptance. Modifications or particular conditions of complementary sales can be or are integrated into certain contracts or specific conventions.


Administrative and health formalities

You must be in good standing with the requirements of administrative formalities (passport, visa) and health for your trip. For some destinations, international flights may transit through the United States. We invite you to verify that your passport and your personal situation allow you to transit through the United States. Foreign nationals should check with the appropriate authorities for formalities. TOURS EVENTS is not responsible for the refusal to issue visas or authorizations by the competent authorities, nor for the consequences of the traveler's failure to comply with customs and health regulations prior to or during the trip (e.g.: loss of identity papers and/or airline tickets...).

Security information and recommendations from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Find out about the geopolitical situation of the country you are visiting by consulting the country file on the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs website (www.diplomatie.fr). As part of our obligation to provide information, we may ask you to sign the country sheet before your departure. This does not constitute a release of responsibility. The refusal to sign will constitute a cancellation of the traveler(s) registered, the full price of the trip will be retained by TOURS EVENTS.


If you decide to cancel your trip, you must inform TOURS EVENTS as soon as possible by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt; the date of receipt or first presentation of the letter will be taken as the date of cancellation for the billing of cancellation fees per traveler. The scale of cancellation fees appears on your contract. The insurance premium, visa fees, registration fees and air ticket commissions are not refundable by TOURS EVENTS. In case of subscription of the cancellation insurance, the cancellation will be treated by TOURS EVENTS as soon as the total price of the trip has been collected by TOURS EVENTS.

Special cases: air tickets issued at the time of registration and / or dates imposed by airlines, including for chartered flights, will result in case of In case of cancellation, 100% of the fees will be charged, whatever the date of cancellation.


You can take out an insurance policy with your consultant. If you decide not to subscribe to the proposed insurance, you must provide us with proof of personal insurance including repatriation assistance or sign a liability waiver. Cancellation insurance is not mandatory but is highly recommended. It must be taken out at registration.


Airline companies

At registration, you will be given the identity of the airline or airlines likely to provide flights, in case of change you are notified before departure as soon as we know. In accordance with the legislation in force, the European list of prohibited airlines can be consulted on the site http://ec.europa.eu/transport/modes/air/safety/air-ban_fr or contact TOURS EVENTS.

Conditions du transport

La compagnie aérienne peut être amenée à modifier, sans préavis, les horaires, les itinéraires, les aéroports de départ et d’arrivée. Ces modifications ainsi que tout incident technique extérieur à TOURS EVENTS (retard, annulation, grèves extérieures à TOURS EVENTS, escales supplémentaires, changement d’appareil, de parcours, événements politiques et climatiques) ne sauraient justifier pour le voyageur une renonciation au voyage sans frais ou le versement d’une quelconque indemnité par TOURS EVENTS. En cas de retard dans le transport au départ ou au retour du voyage et/ou dommage ou perte de bagages, le voyageur devra adresser directement sa réclamation à la compagnie aérienne. Nous pourrons, le cas échéant, appuyer votre demande auprès de celle-ci.

Transportation to the departure city of the trip

You organize your own transportation (pre- and post-trip) to the city of departure of the trip and for your return home, you must take tickets modifiable and refundable. TOURS EVENTS will not pay for any expenses related to these transports and/or transfers, outside the trip subscribed to TOURS EVENTS.


The applicable rates are those of the current brochures or those displayed on the website at the time of your registration. The prices of our trips may vary up or down for the three reasons listed below, without possibility of cancellation on your part. Your refusal to pay this price adjustment will be considered as a cancellation and will result in the application of cancellation fees.

A) Variation in the cost of transport, particularly related to the cost of fuel. TOURS EVENTS will charge you the full amount of the additional cost incurred.

B) Variation in the price of fees and taxes related to the services offered, such as landing taxes, embarkation, disembarkation in ports and airports, taxes of stay. TOURS EVENTS will invoice you for the entire additional cost incurred.

C) Variation of exchange rates.


You are responsible for your personal belongings for the duration of the trip.


A traveler who would have a behavior or aggressive words, contrary to morality against other travelers or other persons related to the trip, or the country visited and / or jeopardize the safety of participants, is exposed to a unilateral and immediate termination of his personal travel contract. TOURS EVENTS will retain the full price of the trip. The author of the litigious facts will have, at his expense, to continue his trip alone or organize his return to his country of residence. He must, if necessary, assume the possible consequences of not being covered by the insurance he has taken out for his trip, as well as all other consequences of his actions.


TOURS EVENTS cannot be held responsible for the consequences of the following events:

  • > Problems related to the physical condition and state of health of the participants
  • > Loss or theft of air tickets, airlines do not issue duplicates;
  • > Incidents or unforeseeable and insurmountable events of a third party, such as wars, political unrest, strikes,
  • > Riots, external technical or administrative incidents, weather problems leading to partial or total cancellation of a program.
  • > Airspace congestion, bankruptcy of a service provider, bad weather, delays (including in mail services for sending air tickets, passports),
  • > Breakdowns,
  • > Losses,
  • > Loss or theft of luggage or other personal effects of travelers. Delays caused by the cases mentioned above as well as changes or cancellation of the itinerary of the program of sporting events which would result from it cannot lead to any compensation in any capacity whatsoever on the part of TOURS EVENTS, in particular because of the modification of the duration of the trip initially planned or because of a delay at an air stop. Any additional costs related to a disruption (taxes, hotel, parking, repurchase of tickets) will be charged to the traveler; Cancellation imposed by circumstances of force majeure, and / or for reasons related to maintaining the safety of travelers, and / or order of an administrative authority. TOURS EVENTS reserves the right to modify the dates, schedules or itineraries scheduled if it considers that the safety of the traveler can not be ensured and without the latter can claim any compensation.


For general information for any trip from August 2017, the responsibility of TOURS EVENTS can not be committed in particular:

  • > In case of technical problems and accessibilities of people and vehicles.
  • > In case of problems related to the airline personnel, hotel staff, vehicle rental company, drivers or various subcontractors directly or indirectly involved in the reserved files, particularly with regard to their actions, dress, conduct, politeness and professionalism.
  • > In case of problems of reception and cleanliness outside and inside the aircraft cabin by the ground and flight personnel.
  • > In case of technical problems and cleanliness of rented vehicles.
  • > In case of problems of reception and cleanliness of hotels, rooms, restaurants, parking lots.
  • > In case of problems of quality of restoration.
  • > In case of problems of service delays.
  • > In case of equipment problems.
  • > In case of sanitary problems.
  • > In case of technical or commercial intervention problems by the different participants.
  • > Any problem must be reported immediately, directly, and only to the reception of the hotel, the restaurant or the management of the provider concerned.
  • > Any report to TOURS EVENTS will not be subject to any particular treatment.
  • > No request for compensation or commercial discount will be accepted and granted.
  • > The customer recognizes and accepts automatically by his payment these particular conditions of sale, non-negotiable, specified on the invoice and/or contract.


Any complaint should be addressed to TOURS EVENTS - 37 A, allée des Pins 41000 BLOIS, by registered letter with AR. In case of litigation, the dispute will be submitted to the competent court in the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal of Blois.


In order to be fully informed about the geopolitical situation of the country of destination, we strongly advise you to visit the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (www.diplomatie.fr) and to consult the country file. We can also make it available to you on request when you visit our agency.www.diplomatie.frFLIGHTS


We use "regular" or "chartered" flights. The names of the airlines indicated on the travel documents are subject to change. In all cases, TOURS EVENTS commits itself to ensure that all airlines used from France are authorized by the competent administrative authorities to serve the French territory.

Warning: non-refundable and non-changeable tickets will in no case be compensated by TOURS EVENTS.


TOURS EVENTS would like to remind you of the measures taken for your safety:

  1. All our "chartered flights" are carried out exclusively on French companies subject to the thorough controls of the French General Directorate of Civil Aviation. Air France is subject to the same rules.
  2. The regular airlines we use from France are all approved by the French Civil Aviation Authority.
  3. We categorically refuse all the companies on the blacklists of the French Civil Aviation Authority of the countries that have decided to publish it.
  4. On the brochures and travel books, you will find the name of the companies on which you will travel.


Holders of passports issued on or after October 26, 2005 without an electronic chip will be required to apply for a visa to travel to the United States as tourists or on business under the Visa Waiver Program. The airlines will be fined $3,300 per defaulting traveler. It is important to note that holders of machine-readable passports issued prior to October 26, 2005, who are traveling to the United States for tourism or business, will not be affected by this new law. Their admission will continue to be subject to the conditions of the Visa Waiver Program. Holders of old passports, on the other hand, will have to apply for a visa.

Important: respect the appointment times indicated on the convocation. The companies often practice "overbooking" and sometimes release the seats 45 minutes before takeoff. We will not be able to do anything and you will remain on the ground! Remember to allow plenty of time to make your connections if necessary.


Depending on the trip, some vaccines are mandatory and require a vaccination booklet (example: yellow fever). Here are some useful numbers:

08 92 68 63 64

01 43 17 22 00

08 90 71 08 11, pour informations

01 40 61 39 80, pour RDV médical
